Prosthetics for Ukraine
Help Ukrainians who suffered loss of limbs in this war

This is a Humanitarian project
Do you want to help Ukrainians but aren't sure where to start?
Do you also love getting outdoors and want to up your outdoor game?
There is good news - we’ve got the answers you are looking for. Here at Ukraine Aid Fund, we’re so excited to partner with Lilia Gilbo to offer outdoor excursions, led by a professional!
The Ukraine Aid Fund will help you reach your dream destinations, and in return, we ask you to donate roughly between a half and two thirds of what a day of guiding for the similar activity would cost you.
All the proceeds will go directly to people needing prosthetics in Ukraine.
Here are the options how you can contribute:
- Click this project’s donate button to contribute directly to the cause.
- Follow our facebook or email announcements of upcoming events to join. You can join our email list by making a donation.
- Contact us by email if you and your friends are interested in some specific activities listed below to order a group trip.
Here are some examples of the services we can offer:
- Helping you to climb some of the more challenging, class 3-4 fourteeners you always wanted to ascend but was not sure if you should do it by yourself.
- Climbing Flatirons (yes, those beautiful iron shaped rock formations looming over Boulder.)
- Descending some of the beautiful, enchanting sandstone canyons, hidden deep in the desert of Colorado Plateau.
- Helping you through Via Ferrata routes (either Ouray or Telluride.)
- As the snow starts covering those mountains, we can help you transition from resort skiing into backcountry. We will provide you with introductory information and take you to the field on some easy terrain before you are ready to take certified avalanche classes.
Imagine how you would feel standing on top of the mountain with the sun just getting over the horizon, knowing that you just made someone’s dream of having a prosthetic limb a little closer.
Our trip leader, Lilia moved to the United States from Ukraine in 1997. After exploring all the wonderful outdoor places on the East Coast, in 2012 she finally decided it was time to move to our incredible state of Colorado and climb, ski, scramble and hike as many mountains as possible. Her focus is to help Ukrainians who suffered loss of limbs in this war. Lilia has three beautiful children who inherited the love for the active lifestyle and who are very active in rock climbing, skiing, and surfing (no, not in Colorado) themselves.